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Here we start learning to play the songs right away, without the obstacle of reading sheet music!
With step by step instructions and colored keys, visually showing which notes to play on your piano, you will be making great music and impressing your friends!
Our videos are available streaming 24/7. The first part of each song is free to try, and all other parts are available to subscribed members.
This is the new and fast method of learning to play the piano. No prior experience required!
At your own convenience all videos can be stopped and replayed from any place in the song! Give it a try! - PRIVATE LESSONS
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Private Lessons
I have been studying Lada’s videos for several months now. She is an excellent teacher. If there is a song that is not on the website but you want to learn it, no problem. You request the song, she’ll make a tutorial video of it. For only $10.00 a month, how can you go wrong? I have spent more than that for lunch almost every day at work. When I tried to learn piano on my own, I always get lost with what finger to use on the notes. Watching Lada’s video resolved my problem about knowing correct finger placement. I live in USA, and Lada live in another country. Despite the long distance between us, I am still able to take private lessons from her via skype. I did so after watching her videos for a period of time. So if you decide taking private lessons, Lada is the music teacher to choose. If you are especially serious about being a pianist, she is highly recommended.
I recently took up the Piano in retirement and researched not only the choice and of makers and settled on the Yamaha DGX-660. Half the battle was over and now I needed to find out about lessons. Lada’s website, easypianoonline.com was based on the Synthesia model for teaching, and I found it to be the best online teaching style. Lada’s voice, explanation and finger by finger placement on each key and calling notes and seeing it in a graphical display was the best for me. She teaches the right hand followed by the left hand, all slowed down to a gentle speed for learning. Lada also offers members a requested song lesson and here is where she excels. After I personally looked for a hit from the 1968 music hit list, called Soul Coaxing or Ame Caline by Raymond Lefevre, I was coming up empty. Within a day of my request, Lada found the sheet music for piano and by the following week had created a tutorial for me. Her site was definitely an asset for my learning and at only $10.00 per month, it was well worth joining.
If you are undertaking the task of learning the piano, whether you are young or old, I’m 66, you will find Lada’s methods and tutorials exceptional beyond belief.
Gord McKECHNIE ([email protected])
Thank you so much Gord!
Is the sheet music available in addition to the videos?
We are currently working on making sheet music available for members.
Thank you, Easy Piano Online, for gratifying my request!
I love Tchaikovsky and his Piano Concerto No.1 is something really special for me.
The way you teach allows me to start immediately enjoying this great piece (even though I am just the beginner).
Thank you again,
Hi Easy Piano Online,
I really want to learn Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto.
Can you post a video tutorial please?
Hi LillyC!
That’s a beautiful piece of music!
A tutorial will be posted within the next few weeks.
Thank you very much for the lessons!
The quality of deliverables makes this “young” site outstanding in comparison with similar sites.
Good luck and waiting for new branches of this beautiful music tree to grow!