Equipment for Online Lessons
Please see below some links to Amazon where you can order necessary equipment and accessories for online lessons.
Please note! You will be surprised but these days when “the whole world goes online” those items usually being overstocked for months now quickly flying off the shelves.
If you plan learning to play piano – DO NOT DELAY!
Please feel free to share your experience and make suggestions.
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Thank you, EasyPianoOnline, for the reminder.
Yes! You are absolutely right!
This summer I was chasing webcam for a month without success!
It was unimaginable! Even the most expensive one, the BRIO which is about $300 were sold out!!! Completely! Empty shelves! In some computer stores to prevent lineups even posters were attached to the doors and windows saying “No webcams!”.
Now, it looks like slowly these devices started appearing again. But if I need it now I would not hesitate and go for it right away.